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We help you collect on your past-due accounts.  Use our service to collect more and keep you focused on the things important to you and not chasing down money.

cash flow
Transworld Systems, Inc.
More Money Faster
Stop Chasing after debtors
Do you have better things to do!
The definition of stupidity - "doing the same thing and expecting different results"
Flat fee services result in much lower cost.
Use your valuable time for priorities, and let Transworld Systems, Inc handle the past-due accounts.



This is a pre-collection bill reminder service for companies that have lack of bandwidth or more important priorities. TSI will do the bill follow-up on your behalf and to the customer it looks like it is coming from you.  Usually much less expensive and more effective than hiring some one to follow up on your invoices.


Stage 1 collections - best used at 60 to 180-day mark. Notifies customers in writing that they have been turned to collections and gives them a chance to rectify the situation before more extreme measures are taken.  The idea is to drive customers back to you to either pay or work out the collection amount.  Either way instead of you chasing them they are now contacting you.  Much lower cost with much better recovery than traditional collections approach.

let us work for you

Professional collectors use advanced algorithms and AI to help get in touch with debtors and collect past-due amounts.  Also, potential legal action if it is warranted and approved by the customer.

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